Wednesday, June 29, 2011

zatar, lebne & hummus. oh my!

Hello, friends! Sorry if you've been waiting for posts from beyond. I've been busy and the internets aren't as popular overseas. Here's the rub: I'm 11 days into my vacation and am loving every second. The people. The food. The sites. The language. The food again. My lack of self control has followed me to Lebanon. And this, when coupled with the fact that Lebanese people show love by Buddha-stuffing their relatives, is not exactly the best way to stay fit.

At this point, I am beginning to fear that I'll return to the States less as the decent looking gal with a sparkling personality and mild adult acne, and more as the Michelin Man's slightly tanned doppelganger.

Elastic pants or no, I'm happy as a clam. In fact, based on my current joy-to-weight gain ratio, I can only conclude that Santa's bowl-full-of-jelly belly was just the outward reaction to his inner bliss. That or he's a total stress eater...which I can also relate to. 

Instead of kicking the baklawa to the curb, my plan is to live it up like a pregnant lady. Not the one who runs and swims and baby yogas. The one who claims to be eating for two, when really she only needs like 100 calories more a day. Which is true, by the way - 300 calories tops in the third trimester. Just a little something I picked up watching an ancient episode of Martha Stewart, where Doctor Oz stops by to pimp out his book on motherhood. Thanks, overseas syndication.

Anyway, my point is that there's only a week left and I'm not even planning to attempt some restraint. Because the food is irresistible. I'd make a cheesy music video* about it, but that old sass Robert Palmer beat me to the punch.

For the record, I tried to load six or so pictures of my recent meals no less than thirteen times. Alas, like my attempts at a killer middle school basketball career, I failed. And, because being poolside at  Ehden Country Club sounds way more fun than staring at this unloading load bar, it looks like you're stuck with this shot of my breakfast (round one) from a few days ago.

*Did I say cheesy? I meant sexy. Fuscia silk shirt and white pants on picture day in third grade sexy.

Monday, June 20, 2011

"everybody loves a weirdo"

That's what grandma said to me Saturday night before bed. Granted I was being a Grade A freakshow and she's the sweetest lady of all time, plus we're related so it's, like, required for her to say that kind of supportive stuff.

But I'm just going to go ahead and believe her. I didn't get 39 followers for nothing, right? So, wave your freak flag high, people. Just. Go. Nuts.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Flight delayed due to mechanical problems. Rerouted to Minneapolis. Silver linings? Breakfast at the Barnstormer and the guy at the ticket counter, after seeing my middle name and finding out I'm Lebanese, saying "So that's why you're so pretty." (fyi: I look like death and everybody knows it. But I will not reject a complement. Not even if it's outrageous.)

flight 6548, with service to denver

Thursday, June 16, 2011

jive turkey

good luck having a bad day with this little jingle ringin' in your ears

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

the luckiest

Missing: 1 Sami 

 It's the best way to describe how I feel after time with my family.
Somehow, they always make me feel exactly like myself,
exactly when I need it most.

I'm two days away from them. Two days away from me.
And that's about all you can ask for on a Wednesday.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

here i am

Something about summer just makes me want to sit on a 
dock and listen to this song all afternoon.

never the turtle

After recent reflection with my brother and some of my close friends, I've realized that when it comes to relationships, I'm not the turtle. I'm the hare. I'm a Naboulsi. And, as it turns out, we Naboulsis (and Banmans, my little brothers) just don't know how to pace ourselves.

When it comes to emotionally investing, we do it fast. With people we don't know and people we do know. With our friends, with our more-than-friends. It's a wonderfully dangerous habit, really. One that draws people in and pushes them away. Or both. Usually, at least a little bit of both. Connection - and I'm paraphrasing Ursula from The Little Mermaid, here - is what I live for. It's why I & the rest of my fambamily love to (and do) connect so quickly with strangers. Because we let them in at lightening speed. The problem is, we want to be let in just as quickly. We try our darndest, waiting to tap into the little spot in other people, hoping to spark an all-out, weirdo emotion festival. And, for whatever reason, perhaps because a lot of practice has proven it nearly true, we think it'll work every time.

But sometimes our encounters remind us that we're wrong. That people are different than we are. That we can't get to everyone. And when that happens, when someone doesn't want to let us in, it's difficult for us not to feel disappointed. Not to take it personally.

For the record, I know these differences make the world beautiful and rich and new and exciting. We are a family that celebrates and tries to understand other-ness. To prove it, my brother, Sami, has a third grade report card that, aside from his grades, says only, "Marches to the beat of his own drum." But for some reason, in the world of emotional sharing, we go against our grain and wish for sameness. We wonder why others don't want to or don't know how to talk about their feelings.

Note: when I say "talk about their feelings," I should say "talk and talk...and talk." I guess you could say we're a family that knows how to beat a dead horse. We call our house The Glue Factory.

Ew, no we don't. I'm sorry I said that. Well, not really. This post needed some lighter spots. Anyway, my point is that we're all learning. So, even though I want everyone to let me in, when they don't, it's just another opportunity for my own growth. And for that, I've got to be thankful.

But I don't have to like it.

Monday, June 13, 2011

the weekender

Well friends, it's Monday. I know. Ew.

But Monday means that I just got done with another fun-filled weekend. This time around, I enjoyed the sunny days with a bunch of nothing and everything, including:

Movie night & a sleepover on Friday, with my friend Jackie. Time outside reading & lounging in the park near my apartment. Crashing a bachelorette party with Julia & Liz. Eating my shame, or what others call mcdonald's. Spending the rest of our side-splitting night at Julia's being ridiculous and watching Liz put on a fashion show. Gabbing in bed the next morning while watching the news. Downing a greasy Sunday breakfast with Kelly to help cure the fun-over from the night before. Nursing what looks like i've been suckin' on a blue marker, but is, in actuality a tiny black & blue spot on my lip. Doing the laundry that's been evil-eyeing me all month. Avoiding folding and putting away said laundry. Driving to Grand Forks to cheer up a newly single friend. Trying and failing to turn off my brain. Getting super excited for my next big adventure to Lebanon, which involves a pit stop in Portland to spend time with the family I'm oh-so-obsessed with. An adventure that happens to start...drumroll please...Friday!

I hope your weekend was just as wonderfully ordinary as mine.

Also, if you are feeling slightly, moderately or extremely judgey about my early summer reading choices, I understand. I judge me, too. Feel free to offer some suggestions in comments! I can read real good, you know.

Ben Sollee - How to See the Sun Rise

Friday, June 10, 2011

midwest meat festival/things i regret #567

Just returned from Ribfest 2011, where I went with my coworkers Kevin and Lisa. For my first time at what I've been calling "the fest," I decided to go all out. Which led to spending $18 on a mountain of meat, soaked in barbecue sauce, topped with baked beans, potato salad and - my favorite - cornbread. Oh, yeah, I also pitched in $1 to eat the most awful cheese curd of my life. Go big or go home, I always say.

According to the current state of body, I should have gone home. Am now in the process of searching for six thousand tums and a place to nap. Being a carnivore ain't all it's cracked up to be.

Please excuse me while I finish having the meat spins in peace.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

like a kid in a candy store (or anywhere)

It's widely known that I'm the kind of person who revels in the small stuff. That I get a serious amount of excitement from life's little oddities and happy surprises. To others, but especially those who've just met me, my heightened reactions seem alarmingly disproportionate to the minuteness of the moment.

What can I say? My heart is easily filled with glee.

To be honest, that's something I'm really proud of. Somehow, after all the craziness that is this life, I still have a child-like wonder for the world around me. No matter how many disappointments, I'm still hopeful. No matter how many blessings, I'm still grateful.

And I'm lucky enough to have a few people in my life who are the same way. People who are blown away by life's little pleasures. Who are filled with unbridled appreciation for kind words, small acts and "unimportant" instances. 

This perspective reminds me of a song we used to sing in church, where God says "See, I am making all things new." To me, every second, every interaction is an opportunity to choose to experience joy. But you have to choose it. And I do. That's something I'll try my hardest to never change. 

Because life's a hell of a lot more fun this way. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

it's always sunny

Yesterday it was about 1,000 degrees in our office. And everyone was miserable. Actually, I wasn't. Because I'm relatively sure my blood is made of ice cubes, so I still had my heater on. But for the rest of the lot, it was downright unbearable. And, apparently, heavy perspiration is not conducive to an efficient work environment.

Who knew?

One of the things I love about my job, is that when things get muggy (ha! words), we make light of the problem and get through it with laughter. And also Dairy Queen dilly bars. Since that's what our HR guy, Matt, brought us as a sort of peace offering. Talk about winning over a crowd.

Here's to silver linings and looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. I hope you're having a wonderful day!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

adventures with tubby

The weather has been b-e-a-u-tiful in the Midwest this week, so I've been spending as much time as possible outside. You may remember from recent posts that hell hath frozen over and I finally - contrary to everything I've ever believed about myself - actually like running. And, as punishment for this contradiction,  I've gone and strained my groin. 

My doctor, WebMD, has advised that I keep my activities pretty low-impact while I wait for the "injury" to heal. But I still want to frolick around in the short-lived sunny season while I can, so last night Harp (tubby), Liz (her mom) and I went for a walk in our neighborhood. 

Fine, you got me. We walked to a nearby pizza place. And, yes, okay, I realize eating a boatload of melty cheese pretty much defeats the purpose of physical activity, but supper is an important meal, so we couldn't very well skip it. Three out of 10 WebMD posts agree. I'm pretty sure.

Harp and I have been spending a lot of time together, which I love. Because both she & her mom cuuuh-rack me up. Usually we get to have our best, Julia, in the mix, too. But she works with the orientation program at MSUM and this is a really busy time for her. For the record: we super miss you, Ju.

The three of us also went to the pool last Sunday to bask in the heat that's finally decided to show up to the party. The thing about public pools is that there is never a time you go, where something weird doesn't happen. Did you catch that double negative? There's always some sort of story. This time, after hours of sharing sour skittles, talking shop about little mermaid, eating a variety of freezepops and almost leaving unscathed... some kid threw up in the water. 

Hey, parents! How about we don't stuff our kids with pool hotdogs if they're going to keep swimming? Ew. Who trusts pool hotdogs in the first place? Some of you are thinking "Who trusts hotdogs, ever?".  But that's pretty un-American of you, don't you think?

Anyway, the good news is it wasn't poop, we were not in the pool at the time of "the second coming" and we got raincheck passes, because they had to kick us out. It just goes to show you that public pools are always an adventure. Primarily in why kids are gross. But also cute. I guess. 

Monday, June 6, 2011

your mom

My casual work dress code allows me to dress exactly like your mom would on a hot summer day at grandma's farm in 1987. It's family-reunion chic at its best. Wouldn't you say? 

Oh you wouldn't? Meh. 

Sidenote: Um, yes. That is most definitely Billy Bass the Singing Fish. Our CEO gave it to me for being the 2011 Fisherperson of the Year (so says the plaque). This winter, during our annual work ice fishing trip, I made a bet that I would catch more fish than him. And, let me tell you, even though he had fancy shmancy reels and underwater techno-thingies, it was like taking candy from a baby, people.

Word to the wise: Never bet against Naboulsi. Ever.

Unless it comes to contact sports.
In which case you will most certainly double your money.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

life on a smartphone

I'd say I haven't been doing much, but I'd be lying. Summer - or what I like to call wedding season - is in full swing. For me this means a lot of traveling, bachelorette partying, celebrating and dancing. Weddings are  like my full-time job. And let me tell you, giiiirl (or boy!), with my Plemel moves on the floor, I ought to be getting paid. This, anyway, would make losing all my pride in the process worth it.

My trip to Lebanon is fast approaching, so I'm trying to squeeze in as much time with friends as possible. a.k.a. I have been laughing a lot and sleeping very little. #worthit Oh, yes, I've also been talking in hashtags like a Bieber fan on Twitter. (pssst. that's a lot. and, technically, I am a Bieber fan on a Twitter. Eh, so shoot me.)

In other news - I don't know if you noticed, but I had a bad day last week. And I'm sorry you had to witness it via this blog. I get hit with one of those once every seven months or so and it really weirds everyone out, including myself.

Turns out, I'm human. Or at least that's what my doctor tells me.

Friday, June 3, 2011

mubby, jubby & flubby

Laughter is the best medicine.
And after than, friendship.
And after that, shots.
And after that, plenty of water & complex carbohydrates.

Quote me on it.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

the optimist

this i firmly believe: there is no point in being upset more that 24 hours.
not when the next 24 could be the best of your life. if we'd only let it. and we should. because what was or wasn't yesterday has no place in today.

so, we slide our pants on one leg at a time and start fresh. putting out the best of ourselves in the hope that the earth will return the same goodness back to us.

after a solid day of rottenness, that's all there is to do, really. that, and eat two french crullers for breakfast.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

the wallower


everything you thought you knew
is no longer what it seemed
what you hoped it was

and you pick at the rubble
of your shattered perception

begging the world
to let you find a match
that will light the fire in you again.
