Tuesday, July 19, 2011

a sendoff

Spent last night catching up with my friend Nate before he leaves for the West to partake in what I've been referring to as "the gold rush." That's still timely, right? 

Anyway, as any proper send off goes, we got together at one of the best (but teeniest!) burger places in town. Knowing that this would be an intense meal, Nate brought his sweat band and his comedy A-game. Eh, It was probably his B-game, but I'm pretty sure he was just hungry. A feeling that would soon be replaced with delight, since he ordered the magical breakfast/dinner combo that is the Humpty Dumpty (breakfast as a burger? yes please!). 

The four of us pictured - Sarah, John and Nate - worked together at a coffee shop during college. And the year after college, courtesy of the recession. I love spending time with these people, because it's impossible to have a bad time. They're laugh-until-you-cry kind of times with people who make friendship effortless. They're also often terribly embarrassing times, but that's half the fun. 

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