Friday, September 23, 2011

free yo' mind fridays

When who you are isn't enough for someone, try killing them with kindness.
That's what my grandma would say. And my mom. And my first grade teacher, I'm sure.

But you know what they would also say? If that doesn't work, all you can do is
wish that someone the best and kick 'em to the curb. Well, they might not say
"kick 'em to the curb." I'm pretty sure it's just because of the generational gap, though.

Life is too short to be anything but yourself.
Especially when other people think you are awesome.
Which, you obviously are. (see: brotip #1)

So, here's hoping you take your kick*ss self
and have a fantastic weekend.
You deserve it.  

Sunday, September 18, 2011


dearest friends, haaaave you ever played paintball? i played for the first time this week with a few coworkers and, i have to say, it. was. a. BLAST.

i mean, really. who knew that getting pelted with tiny balls of paint could be so fun?

after work on thursday, we carpooled to the middle of nowhere. just when i thought those gravel roads were about to lead us to a csi crime scene, we arrived at this little field set up with cable spools, doors and other things to hide behind. a paintball warzone. for nearly three hours we played various paintball games including capture the flag and gettysburg - in which your group stands in two lines, 50 feet apart, facing each other red rover style. you have one chance to shoot a person across from you and, if you don't yourself get hi, you take a step forward if you don't get hit, only to repeat the stand-off at closer range.

looking at the bruises on the inside of my legs, i'm not sure why i'd recommend this self-abuse. But, for some reason, chasing other people around like a sniper, knowing that you're about to get "killed" yourself, is a fantastic time. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

game day

college tailgating is officially off my bucket list! my friend emily's fiance is the punter for a local college football team - the NDSU Bison - and being the sugarplum that she is, she offered me free tickets for saturday's game. and let me just say: woah. 

i may not the biggest sports fanatic out there, but i am the biggest fan when it comes to getting together and cheering for a common cause. 

plus, i knew there would stadium food there. and there's no way i would miss an opportunity to mow down on dirty sports food. I stuffed myself with bavarian almonds, pizza and nachos. self control is not one of my strong suits. especially when that weird nacho cheese sauce is involved. 

hope you had a wonderful weekend yourselves, friends! 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

life, lately

these days i'm:
back on the sauce - after a year of decaf only, i'm back to drinking regular coffee. and lots of it.
wearing anywhere from 2-6 vintage watches at time (pun!) - none of which actually work.
listening to foster the people "houdini" on repeat
traveling, traveling, traveling
living it up at weddings
biting my fingernails again. don't judge me.
thinking about grad school
searching for a white blazer
getting ready for fall fashion - boots! scarves! sweaters! oh my! it's all very felicity and i love it.
missing my family
thinking about piercing my nose - quarter life crisis?
eating enough sushi to get jeremy-piven-style mercury poisoning
chowing down on "egg slop" on saturday mornings
feeling creative
trying to plan a trip to visit little sister
contemplating ways to redesign my bloggie
waiting for a big change, or hoping for it anyway

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

adventures in college

i'm sure, due to the title of this post, you were expecting me to divulge the ridiculousness that was my post-secondary career. but in an attempt to keep this blog mostly pg13, i'm going to keep it high level and just say, simply: i loved college.

i seriously did. forget what you've heard about america - college is the real land of opportunity. you pick your friends, you pick your life, you pick yourself. college is fresh slate, a new adventure and a chance to be whoever you thought you could, should or might want to be - whether that's who you always were or not.

as of last weekend my little brother started his own adventure and moved into his new dorm at macalester college. visiting him there was like getting an early birthday present. it was so exciting to see the beginning of his new little chapter, remembering what it was like to be at that place myself.

starting your freshman year of college is like jumping off the edge of a cliff in that  it's a horrible mess when you land you have no idea what's about to happen and the entire world is at your fingertips.

it's a thrill. and it's the best.
or it can be, if you let it.

best of luck little brother.
you're gonna be great,
i just know it.