Friday, September 23, 2011

free yo' mind fridays

When who you are isn't enough for someone, try killing them with kindness.
That's what my grandma would say. And my mom. And my first grade teacher, I'm sure.

But you know what they would also say? If that doesn't work, all you can do is
wish that someone the best and kick 'em to the curb. Well, they might not say
"kick 'em to the curb." I'm pretty sure it's just because of the generational gap, though.

Life is too short to be anything but yourself.
Especially when other people think you are awesome.
Which, you obviously are. (see: brotip #1)

So, here's hoping you take your kick*ss self
and have a fantastic weekend.
You deserve it.  

1 comment:

  1. Reason #1024 that I love being pseudo related to you: this blog post and quote. Just what I needed after a challenging week. Thanks Dani!
