Thursday, March 31, 2011

other people are cool, too: kenzie

Team. I... totally am starting this new featurette. I don't know how often I'll do it, but maybe I'll feature you someday! It's called "other people are cool, too" - and it will be my way of saying thanks for following by giving you some return blog lovin'. Because, who doesn't love blog lovin'? (dude, everyone loves it).

I don't know how often I'll do it - maybe once a week? That sounds doable, right?

This week, I'll start with my personal friend Kenzie. She's my little buddy who writes a blog on the curiosities of life that interest her (and probably you). It's called curiouser&curiouser: the quest for the good things. She's as cute as banana cream pie, which - let's be honest, is pretty cute. Especially when, as a semi-practicing something or other, you've given up dessert for lent. Seriously, people. Then banana cream pie is about as cute as it gets. Like, right up there with hot barista guy at Dunn Brothers and fat, giggly baby in the Target check-out line. That cute.

Anyway. This is this is the kind of girl you roadtrip 52 hours to Alaska for (twice), read Twilight out loud to (warning: don't do this), and sing hideous 90's pop songs to Todd Palin's parents at an Elk's Lodge with(highly recommended). How do I know? Because I've done it. And if you follow her blog, it'll be like you're doing it - and other way fun stuff - too. Just sayin'.

The Head and the Heart - Lost In My Mind

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

this is what crazy looks like. and love. lots of love.

photos taken from my cousin amanda's wedding. 

You guys. I love my family. Not in a creepy way... okay, yes. In a totally creepy way. Every time we're together, I walk away feeling like I'm the luckiest. And now that everyone's older and spread out, we're usually only together at weddings. My bcf [best cousin friend] Teresa's husband, Seany, tells this story about my mom's side of the family - the Plemels - and his first experience with us at a wedding dance. And after you read it, you'll probably be glad they belong to me. 

As background, you should know that wedding dances showcase the Plemels in their best form. It's basically our natural habitat. We spend the time together telling each other how much we love our family, hugging, and laughing in the same cackle laugh (which makes us laugh even a waterfall of witches or's really kind of scary, now that I think about it). 

But, really. The story: Sometime before they were married - whether it be dating or betrothed (so fancy) - Teresa brought Sean to a family wedding. 

Anyway. My Uncle Greg - a tall, slim farmer with a bold laugh and great dance moves (oh! the dance moves!) - is already out on the floor dancing to some slow song. When that song was over, the DJ started blasting some ridiculously Midwest wedding dance-y song like Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy. 

I know, the sheer thought of it is... well, it's something.

Upon hearing this leg-slapping tune, my uncle looks around on the floor for familial support. I mean, really, it's time to boogie, right? But no one is really there. So he turns to the side of the room where our family is catching up, puts his hands up to his mouth and, like the territorial calls of the gibbons (look it up), yells "PLEMEEEEELLLLL!" First: silence, no movement, no sound. Second: all the Plemels, after recognizing what has just happened, like the monsters on Michael Jackson's Thriller video - are seen slowly turned our heads in unison toward the dance floor. Then, without question, the Plemels migrated to the floor. Literally all Plemels. 

It happened instantly, Sean said. Like a flash mob...getting their groove on with air guitars, hoots & hollers, hokey pokeys and God knows what else. 

To be honest, I think that story is pretty definitive of what we're like as a family: We're crazy. And we wouldn't trade being crazy together for anything. And that's love. Am I right? 

I'm totally right.

The Weepies - Be My Thrill

Monday, March 28, 2011

half of my heart

This weekend I caught up with my old friend Eric, who was in Fargo for a wedding. He just graduated from chiropractic school in Portland, where my mama and siblings live, and shipped out to Boston, Mass. for a killer internship at a hospital.

Pardon? Oh, yes! The point. The point is that talking to him brought up an all-too-familiar feeling. You know, the one where you feel like you should be somewhere else, doing something different, being someone better/cooler/kinder/more interesting.

I've been in Fargo for almost seven years. And, as a child who moved more than five times throughout her elementary/high school years, I've got the itch to pick up and get going. I feel the way about staying the same that most people feel about change. I haaaayte it. Cue melodramatics.

"Make the change now," you say? "What are you waiting for," you ask? Well...I simply don't know what I want to do with myself. Half of my heart's got a grip on the situation. Half of my heart takes time.*

You know, I'm not sure this will ever be a niche blog - just a travel blog, a fashion blog, an e-diary (let's face it, I'm not mature enough to be writing a journal). But I do know it's called thebiggestlittleadventure for a reason. It's because I know that life is what you make it. And because I believe that everyone's story is beautiful, awesome, exciting and hilarious; that it's just a matter of perspective.

For now, I'll spend my time feeling as happily stuck-ish as possible, trying to figure it out, drinking grandma tea out of this mug, and telling you about my little life moments. Because, who better to care about those moments than you? (hint: no one)

John Mayer - Half of my Heart

*Dear John Mayer, consider this lyrical theft payback for the laundry list of silly things you've said in public that have caused me to feel shame when admitting to liking your stuff. Blast you and your catchy songs. 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

happy early birthday

just a little gif(t) to help you get in the weekend groove.

Discovery - So Insane

Friday, March 25, 2011

isn't she lovely

I could say that's how most people describe me. But it's not.

In related news: I'd like to introduce you to my cavities.
Now that we're all acquainted, it's time to blog! So, get ready internet. 

Stevie Wonder - Isn't She Lovely

p.s. you're welcome and I'm sorry (in advance).