Thursday, March 31, 2011

other people are cool, too: kenzie

Team. I... totally am starting this new featurette. I don't know how often I'll do it, but maybe I'll feature you someday! It's called "other people are cool, too" - and it will be my way of saying thanks for following by giving you some return blog lovin'. Because, who doesn't love blog lovin'? (dude, everyone loves it).

I don't know how often I'll do it - maybe once a week? That sounds doable, right?

This week, I'll start with my personal friend Kenzie. She's my little buddy who writes a blog on the curiosities of life that interest her (and probably you). It's called curiouser&curiouser: the quest for the good things. She's as cute as banana cream pie, which - let's be honest, is pretty cute. Especially when, as a semi-practicing something or other, you've given up dessert for lent. Seriously, people. Then banana cream pie is about as cute as it gets. Like, right up there with hot barista guy at Dunn Brothers and fat, giggly baby in the Target check-out line. That cute.

Anyway. This is this is the kind of girl you roadtrip 52 hours to Alaska for (twice), read Twilight out loud to (warning: don't do this), and sing hideous 90's pop songs to Todd Palin's parents at an Elk's Lodge with(highly recommended). How do I know? Because I've done it. And if you follow her blog, it'll be like you're doing it - and other way fun stuff - too. Just sayin'.

The Head and the Heart - Lost In My Mind


  1. That was sweet of you and yes, Kenzie is cool indeed :).

    Have a nice day!


  2. I love Kenzie!! She has got an awesome blog!

    Livy Love

  3. I DO love Kenzie. haha
    I'm glad I found your blog through her.
