Monday, April 25, 2011

look who's talking too

Today, in conversations with sister:

Me: I want these. And a pair of acid wash jeans. Like my life depends on it.
Niki: I just looked at those two weeks ago. We're twins.
Me: I'm a child of the '80s.
Niki: I'm a grandpa.
Me: I'm a fighter pilot from 1991.
Me: No, I'm the girlfriend of a fighter pilot in '91.
Me: I'm Kirstie Alley before she was fat...basically.

You guys. I just want to stipulate that I'm actually a huge fan of Kirstie Alley. And I don't care about her weight (or anyone's for that matter). It just so happens that right now I'm really into her style of dress circa-the golden years of her career, when she was totally doing some next level stuff. You remember.

For the record: I'm getting those sunglasses. And the acid wash jeans. Unless you get them for me first.

Also, I wanted to show you this photo so you could see what I had for dinner last night. And because, woah, the imagery. On the way home from Gma&Gpa's I hoovered down two pieces of farm sausage. At five o'clock, I ate seven pickles and, like, sixteen Reese's peanut butter cups. I also ate an old banana (not pictured), because, hi, eating a well-balanced meal is super important to me.

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