Tuesday, April 26, 2011

a whole new level of lazy

is what it's called when kelly and i skype each other...in the same city...from half a mile away...

On Skype we played this game where we both told stories at the same time. And instead of one of us stopping to let the other finish, we just continued on and on, talking over each other about whatever we wanted. Then, one of us pretended to be offended by the other's inability to shut her piehole and listen to the more important story (obviously mine), when in fact we were both so obviously at fault. In the end, we both apologized, laughing about being the worst people ever and vowing to listen more fully next time.

Oh yeah, that's not a game. That's real life, david at the dentist style.
Because this cycle repeated itself about three minutes later and we do it pretty much daily.
But when you laugh so hard your computer shakes, it's worth it, right?
Ya herrr!?

Sidenote 1: Don't mind my giant shoulders. I was a linebacker in high school. We went to State. enbeedee.
Sidenote 2: Ugh, false. All of Sidenote 1 is a bold-faced lie. Except for the part about my giant shoulders. Is there a surgery to get those bad boys taken down a notch? That is your project for this week, inspector gadget! Find me a shoulder-dehancing surgery stat. And make it something that's not really surgery, but that does involve eating lots of Cookie Crisp and dancing to old Prince songs. I've been looking for a better reason to do that besides "um, it's fun." Thanks. 
Sidenote 3: I know when I said "bold-faced" I could've actually put the lies in bold. Alas, i'm too lazy (see: blog title).


  1. thats funny that you guys just talked over one another haha

  2. haaha, my roomates and I would sometimes instant message each other when we lived in the same HOUSE. so ya :P

