Wednesday, September 7, 2011

adventures in college

i'm sure, due to the title of this post, you were expecting me to divulge the ridiculousness that was my post-secondary career. but in an attempt to keep this blog mostly pg13, i'm going to keep it high level and just say, simply: i loved college.

i seriously did. forget what you've heard about america - college is the real land of opportunity. you pick your friends, you pick your life, you pick yourself. college is fresh slate, a new adventure and a chance to be whoever you thought you could, should or might want to be - whether that's who you always were or not.

as of last weekend my little brother started his own adventure and moved into his new dorm at macalester college. visiting him there was like getting an early birthday present. it was so exciting to see the beginning of his new little chapter, remembering what it was like to be at that place myself.

starting your freshman year of college is like jumping off the edge of a cliff in that  it's a horrible mess when you land you have no idea what's about to happen and the entire world is at your fingertips.

it's a thrill. and it's the best.
or it can be, if you let it.

best of luck little brother.
you're gonna be great,
i just know it. 


  1. awe, yay brother! i miss college too. sometimes i wish i could do it all over again and make different choices. but then again, i wouldnt be the same person...or doing the same things. oh life! <3

  2. College really was the best. I've been done for 3 semesters now and I still really miss it. There was this old man in one of my classes and I mean like 80s old and I loved to talk to him. He took classes just to learn, he said he would take one class a semester. I want to be him someday.
