Monday, July 25, 2011

these are my people

Getting back in the groove after a busy, busy weekend! Spent my time catching up with some of my best high school girlfriends, giggling away my Sunday afternoon with my bestcousinfriend Teresa and her hubby, my frielative, Seanie, and hanging out with some of my favorite people under age 10 (including baby Stella!). 

These kids - Isaac, Lilah, Asher, Micah and NOW baby Stella - belong to Dave & Kari, who pseudo-adopted me during my senior year of high school when my family moved out to Oregon. Needless to say, they've been a huge part of my life ever since. And after looking over some of the pictures from our time together, I'm pretty sure you can tell we're related. Even if it's not genetic.

Have you heard the country song where the singer says "These are my people, this is where I come from" and then adds a bunch of cheesy lines afterward? First of all, it's hilarious. Second of all (full disclosure), I totally understand the sentiment. After spending a weekend with all these people who have dealt with/helped me grow into the person I am - a pleasantly non-grown-up grown up - it's obvious that it's not the places, but the people in them that make you feel like you're home. 

Yep! There's no doubt about it. These are my people. 

*Also, how good am I at painting faces? Not to brag, but woah. 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE...LOVE...LOVE!! We were so glad you were able to come for a vist, it was WELL over due but as you can see the kids made up for lost time fast! And I think I would agree with Isaac who said after you left, "mom I sure with Dani still lived with us!!" Love you Dani
