Saturday, April 23, 2011

flattery will get you everywhere

And so will sending your sister Parks and Recreation memorabilia in the mail.
There's no point in lying about it. It's true. I'm only half ashamed to say so.

Thank you, Sami, for this shirt. And for being a fantastic brother, a profoundly thoughtful human being and an inspiration on how to treat other people with respect, compassion and selfless generosity. I think you're just about the greatest there is.

And also, thanks again for forgiving me (your older sister) for being the most ridiculously obnoxious thirteen-year-old bossypants ever. I still seriously plan on growing out of it, I swear.

1 comment:

  1. I freaking love Parks and Recreation. I hope it doesn't get canceled because it's amazing! Also, I'm glad you have an awesome little brother, I do too!
